
Archive for February, 2009

Of course, October will always be my first favorite month and April will always be second (as much as I spit in the face of change, I prefer it in my seasons), but this year February takes the bronze. I give some credit to Chick-fil-a because they give away free breakfast every tuesday in February for customer appreciation. I give some credit to the Girl Scouts of America for selling delicious cookies during this month.

But I give most of the credit to the Gregorian calendar for giving February only 28 days with the exception of leap year. This means that my stipend of money for March comes 3 days earlier than most months! Three days might not seem like that much time. You have no idea. 

This month, I failed at adulthood. New years resolution #2 is broken, resulting in lots of unnecessary fees, leaving me in the negatives, where I now tread water until March 1. Free chicken mini’s and girl scout cookies that my mom gave me are my manna. Others are/are not,

Manna: my roommates’ cereal
Un-manna: laundry
Manna: a clean kitchen
Un-manna: a clogged shower drain
Manna: Irish music at Auburn Ale House
Un-manna: having to pay for beer
Manna: beer that’s worth it
Un-manna: buying purple bed sheets
Manna: sleeping in purple bed sheets
Un-manna:  being named No Mercy and Not My People
Manna: “And I will have mercy on No Mercy, and I will say to Not My People, ‘You are my people’: and he shall say, “You are my God.” Hosea 2:23

 Only three more days in February, but we are going to be taking victory laps all year long with this recipe.

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i wish i knew what hova means

For anyone who loves coldplay and/or jay-z: Viva La Hova‘s the name, making awesome mixes out of already awesome music is the game. Click on download now. I know you are poor, it’s free.

Also, this is noteworthy. Thanks, JB.

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My mother may or may not be the most ridiculous person in the world. 

Things we argued about over (maybe) my only weekend to go to Huntsville all semester:

-whether or not I eat too fast/chew my food enough times before swallowing. I am a junior in college. 

-whether or not my brother and dad are borderline autistic. The only symptom: good at math and bad at spelling.

-whether or not it was kosher to give away my dog without telling me while I was at school in 3rd grade. 

-whether or not it’s appropriate to hate the Baptist church for their sudden rapture theology. Let’s keep in mind that circa 5 years ago, she sent the Left Behind movies to her cousin to scare her into loving Jesus. 

-whether or not being a manicurist would be a good summer job for me in Seattle. “No matter how bad the economy gets, people are still going to want to get their nails done.” Right.

Regardless of her flimflam, she is so kind. She will send you a thank you note for a thank you note that you sent her (right, hannah?). She makes the most offensive of comments, but they come out in a southern drawl that makes them sound like peaches and cartwheels. A childhood with a black nanny and an adulthood of rigid televangalism have taught her to encourage things that should not be accepted and judge people that ought to be loved. But her heart is soft and she will tell you over a pimento cheese sandwich all the things she loves about Jesus.

You I just have to ignore the rest.

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feeling blue?

february 13, 2009:
woke up late for class, car got towed, was forced to dive into my savings to fund the auburn university parking service demons, got a haircut and came out with shockingly horrible bangs, and then spent an unnecessary amount time dealing with an unnecessary amount of life drama. all before 11:45 am!

the good news is that post 11:45 am I had a fabbbbulous day and a wonderful weekend in atlanta with jeff! (sans the presence of the bangs) the bad news is that, unfortunately, friday the 13th, round 2, comes again in less than a month. i will be flying to california on that day. yikes.

i found this website where people post their bad day stories. a few of my personal fav’s low-lights :

Today, I submitted my picture to a rating website. It was rejected because I didn’t clarify which person I was. The picture was of my dog and me.

Today, at the gym, I see a person laying unconscious on the ground with people crowded around. Previously being a lifeguard, and knowing CPR, I ran over and asked a man what happened, preparing to check his vitals. I then realized that the body was a dummy and the employees were doing a drill.

Today, I told the guy I have feelings for that I’m interested in him, and asked him how he feels about it. He responded via text, saying, “I feel fairly neutral about that.”

Today, a random guy in the library came up to me and said, “You look very unproductive. It makes me depressed just watching you”. 

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the past couple semesters i’ve been taking photography classes and i love them. studying photography has absolutely been the highlight of my college education. i mean, it all just seems a little too fun to be school work. anywho, so far i’ve only worked in black and white with film, but as of this week we are beginning to dive into the scary, complex world of colored photography. i’m scared to death. i just ordered my first pack of colored film and so i guess next week we’ll see how it goes. 

in preparation for using colored film i’ve been doing a little research on some photographers who only use film. a couple of my favs are jose villa and leo patrone. check out their work, its pretty stunning (especially this shoot: scroll down to (chelsea and tec) wedding-nashville. a-mazing). get ready to drool. 

so here’s a couple of my latest images. we just learned how to scan our negatives in so i can start putting more of my images up on here. mom this is for you- hope you enjoy!

ps. i am very sorry to inform you all that the Freewheeler is not a real company. I did that all for a graphic design project last semester. you know what that means though? that means you should pick your little booty up off your chair and go buy the Freewheeler and convert it into a bakery/cafe/coffee shop so we can all enjoy it. sorry about the joke!

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Our Obsession.

OK I hope you are ready for this.

We are obsessed with our roommate Monica. She is our favorite past-time.



she's the brunette. isn't she spectacular?

she's the brunette. isn't she spectacular?

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Jack the Trike rider

Jack (kid that I babysit, age 2): Miss Holly, will you help me pick up the pine needles in the yard?
Miss Holly: Sure, why are we picking them up?
Jack: I don’t know why I do the things that I do… sometimes I just have to do them.

Amen, Jack Bowen, you are wise beyond your years. What’s next? Potty training???!?! In his own words, “I can’t believe how big I’m getting!” The kid is freaking hilarious. Because I feel like an un-potty-trained-little-boy-who-keeps-falling-off-his-tricycle sometimes (most times…) in McKelly’s film class, when this dialogue happened yesterday it reminded me of what he said a couple classes ago after hot John (laura, eh?) answered one of his questions. Through hisses of laughter he said,

“I’m changing my notes off of what a bunch of damn 20-year-olds say about this film that I have been studying for ten years. Would you all stop it? I can only cross out notes so many times before wearing a hole in my paper. It’s painful, it really is. Stop it, goddammit. I’m a poor professor with a kid and I can’t afford new paper. Please continue (hot) John.”

Jack the trike rider is making me wear a tiny hole into my notes as I cross out my thoughts, yet again. I must not over-explain, over-communicate or, the worst of them all, over-analyze (take a vacation, INFP) because good things are often suffocated with gluttonous thought. 

Obviously, Dr. McKelly didn’t call John hot John. He must not know that that’s his name. And if you are wondering how I can quote McK so accurately, the answer is marginalia (thanks, em). I knew I would one day want to remember that he said that so I wrote it in my margin, of course.

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Attention auburn residents,

I come to you with exciting news! You know that old building downtown that used to be a bicycle shop? Well, it is going to be restored and FREEWHEELER bread & beanery will be settling itself into the heart of auburn. I’ve been given the opportunity to create the identity for the company and so here’s a little sneak peak of what’s to come…


***i’m having some coloring issues with the images above…i’m working on correcting that. sorry for the dullness!

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my margins overfloweth

For easily recollection, I have a habit of writing in the margins of my notes the things that I think are life-applicably important in class. Grocery lists, names of people to call, root words that are particularly interesting, books or films that sound like something that might be worth my time or a mind-blowingly profound thought that may or may not change the way I think about something forever (may), as has been the pattern as of late. 

Today’s marginal notes:

-The word “enthusiasm” comes from words that mean God within. So in its truest meaning, to be enthusiastic means to be filled with the spirit of God. How awesome is that?

-“The only game in town.” It’s just a great expression. The only things worth reading (t.s. eliot), eating (tie between red velvet cheesecake and snow crab), living for (Kingdom), whatever… they are they only game in town. 

-“buy: cheesecake, pomegranate juice, lime juice, tequilla, lime” (It’s blair’s 21st so we are having pomegranate margaritas, duh.)

-“Hopeless emptiness. Now you’ve said it. Plenty of people are onto the emptiness, but it takes real guts to see the hopelessness.” Revolutionary Road. Arguably the best movie I’ve ever seen. I had to look up the exact line on IMDB during press law because it was eating me away. Now it will continue to eat me away every time I need to reference defamation in my notes. 

Other thoughts of today I am not quite internet-honest enough to disclose, but  the lines between the margins and the notes are blurring. Every movie I see and every song I hear speaks to what is on the blue lines. And it all belongs in the margins.  

This is when you know you are reading good literature, watching good movies, listening to good music, and taking great classes, when everything on the blue lines belongs in the margins and vice versa.  It is also when you know you are an INFP and are thinking yourself in circles.

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